Special offers
Hotel Complex «Druzhba» is trying to create the most comfortable conditions for the guests, so for different situations provide great deals and discounts.
Service short-time
Each hotel has its own internal regulations. The motel «Druzhba» Estimated time set to 12 hours. Day. This is a fairly typical time for many hotels. According to the approved legislation rules, the guest has the right to pre-populated in the room, and release later designated time. If a guest has stayed in the institution less than a day, it will be charged with the cost for a full day.
But there are circumstances in life that do not fit into the norms and standards. What output is possible if the set time is inconvenient guest?
Only for Kharkiv, the hotel offers the opportunity to stay for half a day (12 hr.):
Reservations made to stay from 8 am to 22 pm.The cost of such accommodation is estimated at slightly less than 50% of the standard room.
Present for the wedding
When ordering in a restaurant “Druzhba” wedding newlyweds provided Best Hotel Room for a present. Marriage, in spite of the importance and moving moment for a young family – costly and time consuming ordeal. When ordering a wedding in our complex, you get rid of many problems and hassles. In addition, the wedding night will be held at the beautiful and comfortable hotel room. This is a great gift that you will remember for a lifetime!